
through our worldwide network in emergency medicine with decision makers and manufacturers, we can help you gain a foothold in this highly specialized market segment. We bring together inventors, manufacturers and customers.

With these unique global cooperation opportunities, we create added value for all parties involved and ultimately ensure better patient care.

Our network

Our expertise is built on decades of expertise in the Emergency Medicine sector. We combine an in-depth technological understanding of the products in this sector with profound, practical insight into international markets and regulation. We command access to a network of manufacturers, dealers, end users and key opinion leaders in more than 100 countries across all continents of the world.

Our Service

Our unique skill-set makes the decisive difference in generating effective market solutions for your business.

For us, consultancy means full-service, 360-degree guidance. Beginning with market analysis, we will carry out the search for a suitable dealer, take responsibility for product registration, oversee the launch and manage the project and tender process on your behalf, supporting you every step of the way to the successful implementation of your project.

Sometimes, the path to success in a highly specialized industry requires a unique and tailor-made approach. We are confident that we can meet your needs and would welcome the chance to discuss specific solutions for the challenges facing your business today.

We take care of your request!


In addition to the 360-degree service and consulting, we offer you tailor-made solutions and co-operations in our core segment, emergency medicine. Our expertise covers the entire medical technology in preclinical emergency medicine, a highly specialized industry, in which we make sure that you remain in the driver’s seat at any time.

Axel Baumeister

managing director

Gunnar Zimmermann

managing director